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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Student’s mind

Vieraskieliset / In-english
20.8.2019 6.03

Juttua muokattu:

23.12. 02:44

I am wri­ting this du­ring the Stu­dents’ Men­tal He­alth week. We have all kinds of theme days and spe­ci­al weeks no­wa­da­ys. I usu­al­ly hard­ly no­ti­ce them, but I made a note of this week in my ca­len­dar. I al­so pos­ted some pic­tu­res and thoughts on this to­pic on my so­ci­al me­dia ac­counts.

“Being a stu­dent is the best time in yo­ur life, so en­joy it”, I have of­ten said to yo­ung pe­op­le. ”You don’t have the res­pon­si­bi­li­ty for work yet. You can free­ly seek and plan yo­ur life and fu­tu­re ca­reer. You can spend time with yo­ur friends.” I won­der, ho­we­ver, if any yo­ung per­son re­al­ly sha­res such ide­a­li­zed view of stu­dent life?

I en­jo­yed my time in high school. I had friends and I lo­ved le­ar­ning. In our free time we went to ser­vi­ces and vi­si­ted with each ot­her. A group of us even made a few re­cor­dings of cho­ral sin­ging in some lo­cal churc­hes. But things chan­ged when I star­ted me­di­cal school. The res­pon­si­bi­li­ty to le­arn and know things weig­hed he­a­vi­ly on my mind. I could not take things the ea­sy way, and stu­dying be­ca­me work.

Ma­y­be the nice fel­low stu­dents and the joy of le­ar­ning hel­ped me cope and not feel un­du­ly stres­sed. But when I was in my third ye­ar, my so­lid ca­reer plans chan­ged. We got mar­ried. Our first child­ren were born a ye­ar la­ter, and from that time on I ma­na­ged my dai­ly life by just doing what was ne­ces­sa­ry. We had our third baby around the time I gra­du­a­ted.

In the late 1980s no­bo­dy tal­ked about stu­dents’ bur­nout. All of my fel­low stu­dents gra­du­a­ted, some soo­ner, some la­ter. I knew many of them nee­ded he­a­vy ways to re­lax from the hard work, and their hu­mor was of­ten qui­te dark.

At the pre­sent, stu­dents’ men­tal he­alth is wi­de­ly dis­cus­sed. So­met­hing has cle­ar­ly chan­ged, as up to one fourth of uni­ver­si­ty stu­dents now suf­fer from men­tal he­alth prob­lems. This per­tur­bing phe­no­me­non is al­re­a­dy emer­ging in mid­d­le schools, high schools and vo­ca­ti­o­nal schools. What is it that throws a yo­ung per­son’s mind off ba­lan­ce?

Who would tell yo­ung pe­op­le that they are good and va­lu­ab­le? You are good enough. You can do things and will le­arn more if you are in­te­res­ted. Dream and plan with cou­ra­ge, try dif­fe­rent things. Start at some point and keep going. Choo­se the kind of work you want to do now. It will li­ke­ly not be for life any­way.

It is enough to be or­di­na­ry, no need to be al­wa­ys the best. Have enough rest and en­joy yo­ur nor­mal eve­ry­day life. Stay close to yo­ur friends.

If you de­ci­de to drop out, it is not the end of the world. Take yo­ur time and start again. You will catch up when you gra­du­a­te. If yo­ur re­sour­ces dwind­le, seek help. Do not try to cope alo­ne or just with the sup­port of yo­ur friends. Trust that there is help avai­lab­le.

What would I say to yo­ung my­self? Don’t wor­ry and don’t rush. There will be enough time for you to gra­du­a­te and work even if you drop out for a while to take care of yo­ur fa­mi­ly. Why the rush any­way? This is yo­ur real life. Eve­ry slee­py mor­ning, eve­ry lunch or din­ner break and eve­ry eve­ning, the text­book in yo­ur hand, the child in yo­ur arms. Do not for­get yo­ur friends and the mo­ments you can share with them. You need them even when you are a mot­her, a wife and a stu­dent.

Text: Mir­ja Heik­ki­lä

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

You will find the ori­gi­nal Fin­nish blog post here.


Jeesus sanoo: ”Minä näen teidät vielä uudelleen, ja silloin teidän sydämenne täyttää ilo, jota ei kukaan voi teiltä riistää.” Joh. 16:22

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