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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Is there a God? – I believe there is

Vieraskieliset / In-english
25.5.2016 6.53

Juttua muokattu:

1.1. 23:32

I am sit­ting in a car with a good friend. We are re­tur­ning home from a wee­kend mu­sic cour­se. He is a scien­tist and tel­ls me he is re­a­ding a book about dark mat­ter.

– Is there dark mat­ter? I chal­len­ge him.

– Ac­cor­ding to this book, there very li­ke­ly is, alt­hough hu­mans have not been ab­le to ob­ser­ve it yet, he says cau­ti­ous­ly.

– So its exis­ten­ce is a mat­ter of faith? I con­ti­nue my chal­len­ge

– There is no wa­ter­tight scien­ti­fic proof of its exis­ten­ce, but many surp­ri­sing and in­di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­ons can be exp­lai­ned by as­su­ming that it exists, he amp­li­fies.

– We could use exact­ly the same ar­gu­ment for the exis­ten­ce of God – there is no scien­ti­fic proof, but many surp­ri­sing and in­di­rect ob­ser­va­ti­ons could be exp­lai­ned by as­su­ming that He exists. Where is the dif­fe­ren­ce? I ask.

– God can­not be ob­ser­ved, and His exis­ten­ce can­not be pro­ved by scien­ti­fic met­hods. It the­re­fo­re re­mains a mat­ter of faith. Scien­ti­fic proof is al­wa­ys ba­sed on re­li­ab­le ob­ser­va­ti­ons, me­a­su­re­ments, rep­ro­du­ci­bi­li­ty of re­sults, and mat­he­ma­ti­cal mo­del­ling of data. Be­lief in God and scien­ce are the­re­fo­re two dif­fe­rent things, he adept­ly res­pon­ses.

Our dis­cus­si­on con­ti­nu­es in con­ge­ni­al com­pa­ni­ons­hip. We move on to dis­cuss the re­la­ti­ons­hip bet­ween scien­ce and cur­rent re­a­li­ty as well as faith, inc­lu­ding li­ving faith.

We re­cent­ly read front page news of a high­ly es­tee­med scien­tist who clai­med that he was ab­le to prove that no God was nee­ded to exp­lain the ori­gin of the uni­ver­se. The news re­port imp­lied that the non-exis­ten­ce of God had the­re­by re­cei­ved conc­lu­si­ve scien­ti­fic proof.

Re­fer­ring to this pie­ce of news, a yo­ung be­lie­ver told the par­ti­ci­pants of a dis­cus­si­on eve­ning at the rau­ha­nyh­dis­tys that her un­be­lie­ving clas­s­ma­tes had been ecs­ta­tic about the news, won­de­ring why she “ne­vert­he­less wan­ted to be­lie­ve in God.” I would have li­ked to go and con­so­le her and say that no-one can scien­ti­fi­cal­ly prove eit­her the exis­ten­ce or the non-exis­ten­ce of God, not now, nor in the fu­tu­re.

Many of the at­tempts to prove that God does not exist point out the mys­te­ry of suf­fe­ring and evil and the lack of ra­ti­o­nal lo­gic in this di­lem­ma: ”If God is good and al­migh­ty, why is there evil in the world? If God pro­mi­sed to pro­tect be­lie­vers, why have there been big ca­tast­rop­hes where many be­lie­vers have died?”

Anot­her claim to sup­port the non-exis­ten­ce of God is evo­lu­ti­on: ”In the old ti­mes ig­no­rant pe­op­le tried to exp­lain mys­te­ries by the pre­sen­ce of God, but pe­op­le have gra­du­al­ly found na­tu­ral exp­la­na­ti­ons for eve­ryt­hing that used to be unexp­lai­nab­le.” There are al­so the­o­ries of God and re­li­gi­on as an eli­tist cons­pi­ra­cy against com­mon pe­op­le. And these are on­ly some of the claims that have been made to prove that God does not exist.

In the same way, there are al­so ar­gu­ments for the exis­ten­ce of God. The hu­man mind can choo­se to ac­cept eit­her ap­p­ro­ach.

Many pe­op­le pic­tu­re God as a white-be­ar­ded old man sit­ting on a cloud, or some ot­her hu­man-like spi­ri­tu­al being, who cont­rols man­kind and the world ac­cor­ding to his will and pre­fe­ren­ces. There is not­hing wrong with ima­gi­ning things, but any­bo­dy who does so ba­sed on their own view of a be­ne­vo­lent, om­ni­po­tent, and just God will end up with a ma­jor mis­con­cep­ti­on.

Ac­cor­ding to the Bib­le, God is far from anyt­hing like that. He is: one God and Fat­her of all, who is over all and through all and in all. (Eph. 4:6.)

As Paul says, God has cre­a­ted all things, go­verns all things, and is ef­fec­ti­ve­ly pre­sent in all things. Hen­ce He is not out­si­de His cre­a­ti­on but om­nip­re­sent in it. This helps us un­ders­tand that not even a hair can drop from a per­son’s head wit­hout God kno­wing and per­mit­ting it.

The ca­pa­ci­ty of God to inf­lu­en­ce the events of life and na­tu­re is an in­te­res­ting to­pic, but the ul­ti­ma­te is­sue is the qu­es­ti­on of exis­ten­ce it­self. Why is there so­met­hing ins­te­ad of there being not­hing? And we should not li­mit this qu­es­ti­on to me­re­ly ma­te­ri­al re­a­li­ty, but should inc­lu­de the en­ti­re idea, phe­no­me­non, and po­ten­ti­al of exis­ten­ce.

What can be known about God is ma­ni­fest to pe­op­le be­cau­se God has made it ma­ni­fest to them. His in­vi­sib­le at­t­ri­bu­tes, na­me­ly His eter­nal po­wer and di­vi­ne na­tu­re, have been ma­ni­fest and ob­ser­vab­le in His works sin­ce the cre­a­ti­on of the world. So pe­op­le have no ex­cu­se. Alt­hough they knew God, they did not ho­nor and prai­se him as God. (Rom. 1:19–21.)

The ba­sic qu­es­ti­on of exis­ten­ce can­not be ans­we­red by scien­ce. Just like a pain­ting pre-re­qui­res a can­vas to be pain­ted on and a thought pre-re­qui­res so­me­o­ne to think it, so God is a ne­ces­sa­ry pre­re­qui­si­te for exis­ten­ce. God cal­led Him­self “I-who-am” or, if in­terp­re­ted dif­fe­rent­ly, “He-who-cal­ls-eve­ryt­hing-in­to-exis­ten­ce”, when Mo­ses wan­ted to know whom he should name as the sen­der of the mes­sa­ge to his pe­op­le.

Thus, ac­cor­ding to the Bib­le, the whole exis­ting re­a­li­ty with its laws and re­gu­la­ri­ties tes­ti­fies of God, His work and His po­wer. Eve­ryt­hing has been vi­sib­le to man ever sin­ce the cre­a­ti­on. The on­ly cru­ci­al qu­es­ti­on is whet­her man wants to be­lie­ve and to ack­now­led­ge that all things have been cre­a­ted by God’s word.

Juha Ha­ku­li­nen

Trans­la­ti­on: S-L.L.

The blog post was pub­lis­hed in on­li­ne Päi­vä­mies on 7 Feb. 2016


Jeesus sanoo: ”Minä olen portti. Se, joka tulee sisään minun kauttani, pelastuu. Hän voi vapaasti tulla ja mennä, ja hän löytää laitumen.” Joh. 10:9

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