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Vieraskieliset / In-english

Blog: Life is here right now

Vieraskieliset / In-english
22.8.2022 6.00

Juttua muokattu:

27.6. 09:47

Text: Sal­la Pät­si

Trans­la­ti­on: Sirk­ka-Lii­sa Lei­no­nen

I am sit­ting in the sheep barn, ad­mi­ring the gra­ce­ful skip­ping and boun­cing of our lit­t­le lambs. They are on­ly a few days old, but they al­re­a­dy fol­low their dams out­si­de and run in and out of the barn as if pla­ying tag. They will have friends to play with, be­cau­se 20 of the lambs born this ye­ar are still ali­ve.

One thing that is im­por­tant to me in my work with do­mes­tic ani­mals is the pos­si­bi­li­ty to share my ex­pe­rien­ces with ot­her pe­op­le. For ins­tan­ce, I have been ab­le to share the mi­rac­le of birth with se­ve­ral pe­op­le! I feel I am sha­ring things that are sig­ni­fi­cant to me.

Sin­ce we need to drop in to the sheep barn more of­ten du­ring the lam­bing se­a­son than nor­mal­ly, there have al­so been more si­tu­a­ti­ons to share. Ma­y­be te­ac­hers or pa­ra­me­dics have got some conc­re­te ex­pe­rien­ces that will be use­ful to them in real life, such as ma­na­ging an am­bu­lan­ce de­li­ve­ry. I al­so en­jo­yed my dis­cus­si­on with my ve­gan god­daugh­ter while wit­nes­sing the birth of trip­let lambs. We tal­ked about the eco­lo­gi­cal clot­hes that we will make of our sheep’s wool. And sheep do not suf­fer when they are she­a­red. They suf­fer if they are not she­a­red!

In ad­di­ti­on to births, we oc­ca­si­o­nal­ly al­so wit­ness de­aths of do­mes­tic ani­mals. And I mean de­aths ot­her than slaugh­te­ring. We have had sheep for eight ye­ars, but I re­cent­ly ex­pe­rien­ced my first stil­l­birth when I hel­ped a ewe give birth to three dead lambs. My hus­band and anot­her sheep far­mer were pre­sent to sup­port me, so I ma­na­ged. But when I went in­to the hou­se to get my phone and call the vet, I thought I would give away all the ani­mals to avoid hards­hips like that!

When I had got the dead lambs out, I cried. Part­ly for the poor dead lambs, part­ly for the pain the dam had gone through, but part­ly al­so be­cau­se I was proud of my­self. I had been ab­le to do what had to be done! I con­so­led my­self with the thought that pe­op­le, and even un­born ba­bies, may al­so die alt­hough there are pro­fes­si­o­nal pe­op­le hel­ping them.

The fol­lo­wing eve­ning I got a mes­sa­ge about the unex­pec­ted de­ath of an ac­qu­ain­tan­ce. It jol­ted my thoughts in­to their pro­per tracks. I for­got about the wars and ot­her wor­ries of this world. Life is here right now.


Siunattu on se mies, joka luottaa Herraan ja panee turvansa häneen! Hän on kuin puron partaalle istutettu puu, joka kurottaa juurensa veteen. Jer. 17:7–8

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