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Vieraskieliset / In-english

A builder of houses helps to build the congregation

Siionin Lähetyslehti
Vieraskieliset / In-english
5.4.2019 14.20

Juttua muokattu:

23.12. 02:44

What is it like to be ser­ving in a La­es­ta­di­an cong­re­ga­ti­on in Af­ri­ca? Ni­co­las Deh from Togo tel­ls us about his du­ties as a spe­a­ker of a lo­cal cong­re­ga­ti­on and the pro­cess of es­tab­lis­hing La­es­ta­di­an Chris­ti­a­ni­ty in West Af­ri­ca.

To­go­le­se Ni­co­las Deh is on a mis­si­on trip to Se­ne­gal, Gam­bia, and Gui­nea in West Af­ri­ca.

Deh has been a spe­a­ker for se­ve­ral ye­ars in Togo, where there were nine lo­cal ser­vants of the word last spring. There are plans un­der way to call four more brot­hers to ser­ve this ye­ar.

– Lo­cal mis­si­on work in Togo me­ans that all spe­a­kers keep ser­vi­ces in dif­fe­rent cong­re­ga­ti­ons of Togo on three wee­kends each month, Deh dec­ri­bes the lo­cal ser­vi­ce sche­du­le.

The buil­der found faith in Swe­den

Ni­co­las Deh works in const­ruc­ti­on. He emp­lo­ys a team of buil­ders. The client usu­al­ly ac­qui­res the ma­te­ri­als, while Deh pro­vi­des the wor­kers and su­per­vi­ses the prog­ress of the const­ruc­ti­on pro­ject.

Ni­co­las Deh es­ca­ped from the uns­tab­le con­di­ti­ons of his home count­ry to Swe­den in the ear­ly 1990s. He sought for pe­a­ce for his soul from many re­li­gi­ous groups and fi­nal­ly found the Con­ser­va­ti­ve La­es­ta­di­ans. Ha­ving re­cei­ved the grace of re­pen­tan­ce, Deh soon re­tur­ned to Togo to tell pe­op­le about the pe­a­ce he had found. He si­mul­ta­ne­ous­ly main­tai­ned con­tacts with the Swe­dish be­lie­vers.

When LLC, the cent­ral or­ga­ni­za­ti­on of North Ame­ri­can be­lie­vers, be­gan mis­si­on work, and the work of be­lie­vers in Ke­nya be­ca­me es­tab­lis­hed, the be­lie­vers in Togo re­gis­te­red l’Eg­li­se Luthé­rien­ne La­es­ta­dien­ne du Togo, the La­es­ta­di­an-Lut­he­ran Church of Togo. Deh is the chair­man of the church.

Of­ten tra­ve­ling, so­me­ti­mes at home

In ad­di­ti­on to kee­ping lo­cal ser­vi­ces, Ni­co­las Deh ac­com­pa­nies mis­si­on spe­a­kers as a gui­de and an in­terp­re­ter on one-week mis­si­on trips twice a ye­ar.

He has al­so made a few ten-day trips to some ot­her Af­ri­can count­ries where ser­vi­ces are ar­ran­ged.

– At first my wife found this pace of work hard, but our child­ren are ol­der now and the home cho­res ea­sier to ma­na­ge.

Nic­ho­las says he has le­arnt to ap­p­re­ci­a­te time spent at home. He wants to spend time with his fa­mi­ly du­ring the wor­king week and du­ring one wee­kend each month.

He and his wife, Ce­ci­le Deh, have six child­ren, the yo­un­gest of them five ye­ars old.

Spe­a­king di­rect­ly, rub­bing off the ed­ges

Ni­co­las Deh ho­pes that be­lie­vers will re­mem­ber in their pra­yers those in res­pon­sib­le po­si­ti­ons and will al­so view them with a for­gi­ving mind.

He en­cou­ra­ges pe­op­le to dis­cuss mat­ters and to exp­ress their views free­ly.

– It may hap­pen that so­me­o­ne keeps qui­et in a mee­ting but la­ter comp­lains about things that have not been ma­na­ged well.

Deh pon­ders on his own ac­ti­vi­ties and du­ties and the way he has de­ve­lo­ped over time.

– I have found that feed­back is im­por­tant. How el­se could I see that some of my prac­ti­ces have been harm­ful? When so­me­o­ne pre­sents cri­ti­cism, it is pos­sib­le to try and act bet­ter.

– Pre­vi­ous­ly, I so­me­ti­mes res­pon­ded qui­te ab­rupt­ly if I felt that a prac­ti­ce or ac­ti­on was dis­rup­ti­ve of God’s king­dom.

Dif­fi­cul­ties help in the work

The yo­ung, gro­wing home zion in West Af­ri­ca is suf­fe­ring from gro­wing pains.

– Es­pe­ci­al­ly here in Af­ri­ca I have so­me­ti­mes he­ard hard words in dis­cus­si­ons. We need a lot of for­gi­ve­ness. I think that the dif­fi­cul­ties we have ex­pe­rien­ced in our home zion in Togo help us in our dis­cus­si­on with the cong­re­ga­ti­ons of ot­her count­ries.

Ac­cor­ding to Deh, there has been po­si­ti­ve de­ve­lop­ment.

– It seems that God has been wor­king in Gam­bia, too, and that mu­tu­al un­ders­tan­ding is imp­ro­ving there. The at­mosp­he­re of for­gi­ve­ness and mer­cy be­ars fruit.

”I see God’s work”

Deh has re­a­li­zed that he needs to le­arn about the ba­sic prin­cip­les of faith.

– When we have wes­tern mis­si­on spe­a­kers vi­si­ting here, lo­cal pe­op­le may think there might be some fi­nan­ci­al be­ne­fit if they joi­ned that group. We just need to tell them gent­ly that God’s king­dom is neit­her food, nor drink, but that faith co­mes be­fo­re all ot­her things, and that pe­op­le are in­vi­ted to ac­cept per­so­nal for­gi­ve­ness and faith.

The mis­si­on trip ac­ross se­ve­ral count­ries in Au­gust made Deh pon­der on what he knows and is ca­pab­le of.

– Now that I have done that trip, I re­a­li­ze that God had pre­pa­red he­arts and ope­ned His word. Alt­hough I am hap­py that God has been ab­le to use me in His work, the most im­por­tant thing is that my own name is writ­ten in the Book of Life.

Text: Mik­ko Ju­vo­nen, Ju­ha­ni Oja­leh­to

Backg­round of Ni­co­las Deh: Mia Kaut­to, Han­na Ra­ti­lai­nen: Löy­sin Ju­ma­lan val­ta­kun­nan, SRK 2012

Trans­la­ti­on: S-L.L.

Jul­kais­tu eng­lan­nin­kie­li­ses­sä kie­li­liit­tees­sä tam­mi­kuus­sa 2019


Jeesus sanoo: ”Minä olen portti. Se, joka tulee sisään minun kauttani, pelastuu. Hän voi vapaasti tulla ja mennä, ja hän löytää laitumen.” Joh. 10:9

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